Four Week Old Pit Bull Orphans
Yesterday these 5 orphans were rescued from a very dangerous situation. For now, details are being withheld as officials have been called. There may be more coming in the future, and we will be seeking the assistance of our rescue colleagues to help save more of these dogs. They were removed from a home that exploits this breed for profit and entertainment,
thankfully, we were able to save these darling babies before they were
forced down the same (sometimes deadly) path as their parents.They're
sweet, loving, normal, and healthy little puppies!! :)
We urgently need donations to pay for their veterinary care, vaccinations, spay x 2, neuter x 3, and microchips. We need fosters for them as well. An experienced foster for the runt will be required as he needs assistance being fed until he's able to do so on his own.
Please contact us if you're able to help at
To help with monetary donations please see the options below:
PayPal: (Send as gift and add note "Orphan Puppies")
Chase QuickPay:
To donate items (kennels, beds, etc..) send an email to: for information.